GROOM on TV! 🐉

GROOM Dans l'Oeil du Dragon 🐉

Keeping it a secret has been a bit tricky! 
We were extremely eager to reveal our feature on the show Dans l'Oeil du Dragon. From casting to shooting, we had a lot on our plate to be completely ready before the big day. 

A little nervous and excited, our eyes were glued to our TV screen : Monday, April 26th was our night!

A noteworthy pitch shed the light on our Montreal-made, quality grooming products. It did not take long for Dragon Christiane Germain, co-founder and co-director of HÎtels Germain to feel moved by our brand and to decide to join the adventure. 

With sparkling eyes and a genuine interest during the show, Christiane Germain mentions GROOM's co-founder Julien Blanchard's determination and sharp vision as some of the reasons that made her fall in love with the brand:


"A determined and aligned entrepreneur, a beautiful synergy with the hospitality industry, quality products made locally, and a strong branding.
I'm very happy to work with a company that values well-being the same way I do."

- Christiane Germain


As for Julien Blanchard, being featured on this show is a big achievement : 

"It's an important milestone for our company. It meant exposing ourselves in front of a large audience, but moreover before extremely successful entrepreneurs.
Going on set was a way for me to say : we made it this far, here's what we have accomplished and we're ready for what's coming up next." 



You can watch Dans l'Oeil du Dragon - episode 4 by clicking this link.